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Ludgershall Pre-School

A Pre-school Day

A Day At Ludgershall Pre-School


Every day at Ludgershall Pre-School is stimulating and exciting with our caring staff team encouraging and helping the children to achieve their full potential.

A Typical Day

  • Children and their parents are met and welcomed by staff before the children enter the classrooms.
  • Time to say goodbye and hang coats and bags on classroom pegs 
  • Self-registration
  • Now the fun starts with free play between both indoors or outdoors, Children are encouraged to independently select their own resources and take charge of their own learning, whilst staff expertly join them to extend their learning . One adult-led activity is often set up based around a topic or the children's own interests.
  •  During free play we offer rolling snack time. so not to interrupt valuable play, we allow the children to choose when they want to re-fuel. A different healthy snack is available everyday.
  • Its nearly the end of the morning session. Time to come together either as a whole group or keygroup and enjoy a variety of activities such as singing, dancing or may-be a puppet story, share the events of the day such as celebrating a birthday or collect a certificate for an achievement.
  • The morning session ends by singing goodbye to some of our friends. 
  • Lunchtime and meet and greet with afternoon session children

       Children gather together at the tables to eat lunch. A wonderful

       opportunity to chat with friends and staff. 

  • With re-charged batteries we're off for more fun in indoor/outdoor Free play
  • Home time is fast approaching, time to tidy up 
  • Again we come together to unwind from a busy, fun day. Now we sing goodbye to all our friends.

       staff will open the room doors and encourage children to wait until 

       called to parents to ensure their safety.

  • Time to hear your children talk about all the fabulous learning of the day.

