You are more than welcome to contact us to arrange a visit. You will be shown around the pre-school and be introduced to the staff.
We offer free flow play everyday, there-fore children spend a huge part of their day outdoors. With that in mind we ask that your child arrives in weather appropriate clothing so lots of warm items for colder/wetter weather such as raincoats, hats, wellies and layered clothing that can be removed if necessary and light cotton wear for the warmer weather such as lighter jackets, cotton shorts/trousers and suitable stable footwear. During the Spring/Summer months we would also like you to provide a named bottle of sunscreen if you child attends all day, which we will re-apply at lunchtime.
All children have access to fresh water though-out the day, however some parents choose to provide a named water bottle that can be easily transported.
During the settling period, especially for our youngest members it is often helpful to bring any comforters your child has.
If your child is in nappies please bring along the nappies you would like us to use and wipes. If you child is toilet training please could you send in lots of changes of pants, socks, trousers/skirts.
Unfortunately we ask you not to allow your child to bring in toys or special items from home.
If you child becomes unwell while at pre-school we will monitor your child and if we feel it is necessary we will contact you. If your child has a high temperature or we feel they need to see a GP or be at home with you then we will contact you to ask you to collect your child.
We ask that you please contact pre-school
Whilst it is not our policy to care for sick children, who should be at home until they are well enough to return to pre-school we do agree to administer prescribed medicine as part of maintaining their health and well-being. Medicines must be prescribed by a doctor (or other medically qualified person), it must be in date and suitable for current condition. If there is no label to prove the medicine was prescribed for the child we will not administer. Further details can be found in our Administering Medicines Policy.
All injuries are recorded on an accident form, which you will be required to sign on collection of your child , If your child has a accident involving their head we will always contact you via telephone to let you know, we will then continue to closely monitor them through-out the session.
We also ask you to let us know of any injuries occurred at home, theses injuries will also be recorded to allow us to monitor your child whilst being in our care.
If you are delayed you will need to ring the pre-school to let us know as soon as possible. Your child will then be cared for at the pre-school until you reach us. We do have a procedure that will be followed in the event that your child is uncollected 30 minutes after the end of their session if we are unable to reach you. If you need to send someone else who is not on the collection list (or is not yet known to pre-school) then you will need to arrange a password that can be given to us at pre-school to identify the person collecting.